27 Aug

In recent years, the importance of occupational psychological health and safety has gained increasing attention, especially among top companies. With workplace stress and mental health issues on the rise, companies are being pushed to take proactive steps to address employee well-being. This trend is particularly evident among the NASDAQ 100 companies.

Reporting Trends

Based on the available research, approximately 30-40% of the companies in the NASDAQ 100 have begun integrating occupational psychological health and safety into their reporting frameworks. These companies are aligning with growing global awareness of the importance of mental health in the workplace, often following guidelines like ISO 45003, which focuses on managing psychosocial risks within occupational health and safety management systems(The Safety Mag,APA).

Why This Matters

The move toward reporting on psychological health reflects a shift in corporate culture. Companies now recognize that mental health is not just a personal issue but a business concern that can significantly affect productivity, absenteeism, and employee retention. By reporting on these factors, companies are showing a commitment to creating safer, more supportive environments where employees can thrive.

A Look at the Future

As more companies adopt integrated reporting on occupational psychological health and safety, we can expect to see an increase in policies and initiatives that prioritize employee mental well-being. This could include more comprehensive mental health benefits, psychological safety training, and workplace support systems designed to reduce stress and burnout.The growing trend of reporting on occupational psychological health by NASDAQ 100 companies signals a positive step towards fostering healthier and more resilient work environments, setting a new standard for corporate responsibility in the digital age.

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